Letra da Música: Nightwing - Black Sabbath

Esse letra de Black Sabbath já foi acessado por 411 pessoas.


A música Nightwing fez muito sucesso quando foi gravada por Black Sabbath. Que tal aprender a tocar outras músicas? Veja cifras de Black Sabbath e toque as músicas que mais gosta no violão ou guitarra.

Veja também o vídeo da música tocada.

Nightwing has stirred, and taken to flight
The silence is over, he's shattered the night
No other hunter has the power or the grace
He is the master of this place

Tell every creature of the night
The kill is around the bend
So listen my friend
Nightwing flies again

They say he comes for those whose souls are weak
and call his name upon the wind
The night is cold and thick with mystery
Oh I can feel his beating wings

Tell every creature of the night
The kill is around the bend
Nightwing flies again

Tell every creature of the night
The kill is around the bend
Nightwing flies again

Nightwing has stirred, and taken to flight
The silence is over, he's shattered the night
Life ain't for giving and forgiving ain't free
No soul will rest while the hunted run free

So Tell every creature of the night
The kill is around the bend
listen my friend
Nightwing flies again

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