Letra da Música: You Get What You Pay For - Anvil

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Something for nothing, a bargain a steal
Used cars on credit cards, lost another wheel
I'd like to get it for free
It's what the price should be
I just wanna pay less
I just have to confess
Quality and value, always wanting more
Tip my hat to the taxman the revenue does poor
You get what you pay for

Cheap and stingy may have its own way
There's a lesson to be learned from being this way
You get nothing for free
You gotta let it be
You know you can't ignore
When you know the score
You get what you pay for

Nothing for nothing is the golden rule
Suckers born everyday, don't be left a fool
You get nothing for free
You get to pay the fee
You know you can't ignore
When you know the score
You get what you pay for

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